Board of Directors

The Trimont Christian Academy's Board of Directors is a group of leaders designated to help lead TCA by making short and long term decisions, setting policy, managing school finances, and aiding in the building of a sense of community among TCA families. Our Board is currently made up of four members, but they are always looking to expand. Our Board meets every third Thursday of the month, August through May. Summer meetings are based on "needs-based" topics. 

They can be reached at 

Cody Watson

Board Member

How long have you been involved at TCA?  12 years

How are you connected with TCA? Our child attended TCA from when she was 3 all the way to 8th grade graduation in May 2023. She is now a student at Macon Early College (MEC).

Why is Christian Education so important to you? Christian education is essential in training our children to have a Biblical worldview. Proverbs 22:6 gives us clear instruction on how to raise our children. I am thankful that one of the great opportunities we have available to us is Christian education through TCA. 

Favorite Bible Story? The story of Joseph in Genesis 37-50

Favorite Bible Verse? Proverbs 3:5-6

Scott Zuiderveen

Board Member

How long have you and your family been involved at TCA? 15 years

What is your connection with TCA? All of our kids have been students at TCA. In 2007, we enrolled our oldest son in Kindergarten. All three of our children graduated from TCA, our youngest last year (2023). Currently have a step-grandchild that is attending kindergarten.

Why is Christian Education so important to you and your family? Without a doubt, we want our kids to be taught, trained and raised with a Christian worldview. We want them to be fully equipped to carry out whatever it is God has them do in life.

Favorite Bible Story? The Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) 

Favorite Bible Verse? Ephesians 6:13

Jeremy Decker

Board Member

How long have you and your family been involved at TCA?

What is your connection with TCA?

Why is Christian Education so important to you and your family?

Favorite Bible Story?

Favorite Bible Verse?

Bethany Perry

Board Member

How long have you been involved at TCA?

How are you connected with TCA?

Why is Christian Education so important to you?

Favorite Bible story?

Favorite Bible Verse?

Matt Balmer

Board Chairman

How long have you been involved at TCA?

How are you connected with TCA?

Why is Christian Education so important to you?

Favorite Bible Story?

Favorite Bible Verse?